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Spoiler Warning for anyone who isn't on chapter 51.. When is Jooin going to just tell C...

Livy May 19, 2021 11:39 pm

Spoiler Warning for anyone who isn't on chapter 51..

When is Jooin going to just tell Cain that he doesn't like him like that? I mean it is clear that he is going to end up with the other dude but he is just dragging Cain along behind him. It is a little weird that they also placed a bet on him when Jooin knows Cain doesn't mean any harm to him and Jooin knows why Cain hangs around him a lot. Jooin doesn't; owe anything to Cain but he could at least let him down gently or just tell him he doesn't have feelings like that for him. I really wish that Jooin would give himself time to sort out his feelings for Yahwi because Yahwi also needs to sort out his feelings.

    taeaholic May 20, 2021 12:25 am

    I agree! It's better for Jooin to tell Cain that he likes Yawhi but is still trying to sort his feelings out so he won't hurt Cain (knowing Cain likes him) I just want them to be happy even if Cain isn't with Jooin since he deserves better :/