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the romance could have been good if done differently imo

lady_pallas May 19, 2021 9:25 pm

ill start by saying that uruma went through a lot of trauma (the killing of his parents, the bullying and the sh*t they put him through), i'd understand that he'd seek the love and appreciation of ppl since his grandpa is clearly not one to give love and he didnt have anyone for the past 4 years
however, this "love triangle" was really pushed into the storyline badly (added to the poor writing of the female characters)
if we put aside the theory that MC is looking somehow for validation and love (which is unlikely imo) i think making him more of a lone wolf would have made much more sense, i can picture him having friends for the sake of not being too suspicious (along w/ a girlfriend, hence the title of my topic) but i feel like the author is trying to make him look too much like a normal guy to the reader. He must appear like a normal guy to the ppl around him but not to us, we follow his pov, we know that killed ppl and trying to make him look less bad by giving him a bad love triangle seems a bit weird
am i this only one thinking this ?

ps : also the black haired girl is not in love w/ him imo, he saved her multiple times, she knows he did very sketchy things but she just likes him bc he saved her, and she's starting to be obsessed with him which could interfere with his plans but i think this could become something interesting for the storyline. tho i believe that this whole plot with the second girl was bad, like you dont have to make the guys be rap*st for us to realise they are evil like ushiro (or whatever his name was) burning that girl's tongue was already enough to prove that he hadn't changed from his past actions so yeah theres that too

    kiwitrungto May 19, 2021 10:26 pm

    So I wasn't the only one think like this