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Do you ever just love the characters so much that you want them to be real so you could be...

Anonymous May 31, 2016 10:13 pm

Do you ever just love the characters so much that you want them to be real so you could be their friends and support them or something? If not friends just a person lurking in the shadows and admiring them and their relationship? Being at least frirnds with the side characters bc they are hella awesome? But sadly none of 'em real so you just sit here with a weird feeling? And feeling reality so damn hard that it hurts bc your imagination world is just too colorful? You keep supporting them in your mind instead? Imagining how their days would go until that weird feeling disappears?

    Nihal922 August 9, 2016 8:27 pm

    I totally agree with you..sometimes I find myself thinking what some of the characters in my favourite manga would do if they were in the same situation. Truth be told, imagination is waaay better than reality ;)