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I think Geonwoo needs another love interest. Someone who can handle his personality and po...

Painterofthenight May 19, 2021 9:50 am

I think Geonwoo needs another love interest. Someone who can handle his personality and popularity, a girl who won't be weighed down with insecurities with having a bf like him coz if he get together with fl she'll just be doubting him over and over again just like now they aren't even an item, but her parallelizing geonwoo with her ex is already a toxic overthinking and second thoughts will always occur when she decides to choose him and might think of what ifs with the other guy while she's inside their relationship. I also don't want geonwoo to be exhausted constantly proving he's different from her ex all the time if ever they become gf,bf. I prefer she should just end up with the other guy. She's already disregarding Geonwoo anyway and obviously it was just a half hearted crush with him, it's only infatuation as we can see her trying to just endure associating herself with him is quite an unpleasant sight coz knowing Geonwoo's trying his best to relay his feelings for her.

    FredFriendly May 26, 2021 9:36 pm

    I feel that Geonwoo needs a different love interest because Miseol is toxic romantically. If some new dude came along and whispered sweet nothings in her ear she'd jump ship without batting an eye or any concern whatsoever for her boyfriend. I'd prefer she end up perpetually alone so she doesn't continue to abuse men's emotions. Geonwoo is a genuinely nice guy and doesn't deserve to be toyed with. She should just be honest and frank with him instead of stringing him along with the 3rd wheel dirtbag.

    Painterofthenight May 27, 2021 8:17 am
    I feel that Geonwoo needs a different love interest because Miseol is toxic romantically. If some new dude came along and whispered sweet nothings in her ear she'd jump ship without batting an eye or any concer... FredFriendly

    I agree. People shouldn't lead on just because you can't let go of that person. That's selfish. The sooner you end it, the better. It's also for both parties so they can move on and not invest all their efforts into someone who's not really gonna entertain them.