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This manhwa is gold and you cant my mind

Mako May 19, 2021 9:57 am

Okay, disregarding the majority's opinion in this manhwa this is actually really good . The story isnt shit, your taste is shit that is( jk we have preferences but this is actually good if you're into some dark stuff or thingy). I've saw someone said this is poorly written but this is definitely not , but instead well written. The rating isnt given any justice.

The main character is indeed greedy,selfish ,shitty as everyone had seen.You will really hate the things he did in the once peaceful paradise and even in earth . But what I like the most about him though is the presentation of greed, humans are greedy by nature as they say. By that, the natives followed him until everything collapse when red haired girl tried to cook.
The fact the mc actually blamed himself surprised me, I thought he gonna go "who did this" cos I'll do that honestly but he blamed himself, the leader. ( I gave him +1 pts for that)

He ran away from everything after that, that was cowardly when he can help the others who probably is still alive but didn't chose to and let them suffer just like how he did with the weak dude at the beginning.

When he then arrived at the new island, everything is like the same and he doesnt want to go back the corrupted one and chose to live in peace.

Now the ending might be like wtf is this sht to some of y'all but I like it. His karma came back to him and the white thingy start eating everything and sht when they're the ones who are being eaten at the very beginning.

Btw, The part where he turned to a tree still question me like how tf is that even possible but oh well, I dont wanna think about it and its most likely an indication where they leave everything to the future generation.

Beside those I've mention, I really want to say more but Im too lazy to but its definitely really worth the read honey, don't listen to those snowflakes who cant understand the story .

    Its Bee May 20, 2021 5:23 am

    Wait this story is completed? Wtf was that ending -.-