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Lemme explain something real quick for those of you who think that taehwan is harsh on Yeo...

Mintcupcake May 19, 2021 3:25 am

Lemme explain something real quick for those of you who think that taehwan is harsh on Yeonwu when they're together, first of all he always ask for consent, that night that Yeonwu was drunk taehwan did say that he could basically give him a blowjob but only if he wanted (if yeonwu wanted) and said that if he didn't then was okay, then again with the toys he asked and in the new chapters that are coming too, he never forced him to do anything which in these new bls that are coming is something really rare, he doesn't need to be all lovey dovey with Yeonwu because they're not a couple, sorry for break it to you lol, but the fact that yeonwu has feelings for him doesn't make him a jerk just because he wants to only fuck (but just for now I guess lol) his sex partner, if he wanted to be all cute and sweet with someone he would already be with someone

    DaeWae May 19, 2021 3:27 am

    I noticed this too lol he likes pain anyways

    banfi May 19, 2021 3:28 am

    i mean...he still treats yeonwu like shit. like i feel like thats not even smth up for debate. sure he doesnt need to be all lovey dovey but he also doesnt need to be a complete asshole. hes a jerk to yeonwu, regardless of his reasons or the fact yeonwu alows him to treat him that way.

    TheKirara67 May 19, 2021 3:32 am
    i mean...he still treats yeonwu like shit. like i feel like thats not even smth up for debate. sure he doesnt need to be all lovey dovey but he also doesnt need to be a complete asshole. hes a jerk to yeonwu, r... banfi

    I mean? Realistically? Yeonwu is probably into being degraded and he probably feels some sort of guilt for making Taehwan “homophobic” (despite the fact that it’s not his fault)- there’s a lot of layers to it oof

    A.A. May 19, 2021 3:34 am
    i mean...he still treats yeonwu like shit. like i feel like thats not even smth up for debate. sure he doesnt need to be all lovey dovey but he also doesnt need to be a complete asshole. hes a jerk to yeonwu, r... banfi

    I think on of the reasons is that yeonwu allows him. You can see that he sometimes thinks: “you should resist!”

    Mintcupcake May 19, 2021 3:44 am

    And second, I think I finally understand taehwans reaction to Donjin and taehee's relationship in season 1, he's not homophobic, he just felt the same way he did with all that shit that happened with yeonwu at high school, betrayed, he considered both Dojin and Yeonwu his best friends but they both make him feel that way, Taehwan left his precious little brother with Dojin to later find out that they were dating and nobody told him anything, and I know that it wasn't Dojins fault but still, and the same shit with yeonwu and him kissing Taehwan in high school, and then again Trying the same thing in college, I think, even though I love yeonwu, that taehwan still has a little way to go for that annoyance he has for yeonwu to fade away

    Mintcupcake May 19, 2021 3:45 am
    i mean...he still treats yeonwu like shit. like i feel like thats not even smth up for debate. sure he doesnt need to be all lovey dovey but he also doesnt need to be a complete asshole. hes a jerk to yeonwu, r... banfi

    Read the other thing that I wrote under my comment

    Mintcupcake May 19, 2021 3:49 am
    And second, I think I finally understand taehwans reaction to Donjin and taehee's relationship in season 1, he's not homophobic, he just felt the same way he did with all that shit that happened with yeonwu at ... Mintcupcake

    Oh and I think Taehwans is also annoyed by yeonwu because taehwan thinks that yeonwu can do whatever he wants and still be forgiven by only showing guilt on his face, like he said on the chapter of them both being drunk

    Mintcupcake May 19, 2021 3:57 am
    I think on of the reasons is that yeonwu allows him. You can see that he sometimes thinks: “you should resist!” A.A.

    I think that yeonwu has both low self respect and accumulated guilt, low self respect because he allows taehwan to do whatever he wants because, well, he's taehwan, and accumulated guilt because of all that shit that happened back on high school, he knows that he fucked up, and knows that he broke whatever they had, so in his mind he's probably like well let's just enjoy what we have now, at least better something like this than nothing

    gtfo May 19, 2021 4:08 am
    I mean? Realistically? Yeonwu is probably into being degraded and he probably feels some sort of guilt for making Taehwan “homophobic” (despite the fact that it’s not his fault)- there’s a lot of layers... TheKirara67

    spoilers from raws ahead! the thing about this though is that yeonwu feels a lot of shame about being the gay son of a hyper conservative pastor and for being that guy who betrayed tw with a nonconsensual kiss. he even says later that he feels he should be punished everytime he has to go to church, and thats probably something that sticks to the back of his mind constantly.

    im not putting this on tw to know or act on, im just saying that im not sure this is so much enjoying being degraded as it is that he enjoys being needed by tw for something, he enjoys that tw feels something for him at all. which i think points towards some major depression for yw.

    degradation can be a safe kink, but i dont think thats necessarily whats happening here. when he was alone and tied up, he thought to himself that he didnt want to do this anymore and that he wasnt sure if he liked this, and this was when he thought it was possible that tw left and wouldnt come back. when tw comes back, yw feels differently because it means that tw came back for him.

    i do think tw is being a jerk in that he is aware of the power dynamics he holds over yw, and im saying this based on not only when he asked yw if he had feelings for him but also from raws coming up where we see tw acknowledge something along those lines about yw allowing only tw to do certain things that he wouldnt accept from others. sure, its not direct forcing, but he made sure that yw knew he had only one choice in order to keep sleeping with him, and thats to not express any feelings that he may have towards tw. theres a reason it feels kind of dirty after they do anything together.

    tw is using yw in a way that harms yw and i understand where is coming from and his awful traumas, but he is still doing something wrong. yw too needs to get his self respect back, which from raws, it seems he will do soon.

    gtfo May 19, 2021 4:10 am
    I think that yeonwu has both low self respect and accumulated guilt, low self respect because he allows taehwan to do whatever he wants because, well, he's taehwan, and accumulated guilt because of all that shi... Mintcupcake

    bro... you just said pretty much everything i said in my reply to you so much more succinctly... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but i hope my reply gives some insights from raws if you want to see that!

    banfi May 19, 2021 4:12 am
    I think that yeonwu has both low self respect and accumulated guilt, low self respect because he allows taehwan to do whatever he wants because, well, he's taehwan, and accumulated guilt because of all that shi... Mintcupcake

    i mean i agree but u understand that by saying that ur acknowledging that taehwan is a dick to yeonwu right?? obviously taehwan is a complicated and flawed character but that doesnt mean hes not a dick. like- both things can be true

    gtfo May 19, 2021 4:12 am
    bro... you just said pretty much everything i said in my reply to you so much more succinctly... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but i hope my reply gives some insights from raws if you want to see that! gtfo

    ah nvm, my first reply wasnt a reply to you but to TheKirara67! but your reply still pretty much hits the same points as mine

    banfi May 19, 2021 4:14 am
    I think on of the reasons is that yeonwu allows him. You can see that he sometimes thinks: “you should resist!” A.A.

    yeah but like...that doesn't rly make it any better

    gtfo May 19, 2021 4:15 am
    yeah but like...that doesn't rly make it any better banfi

    basically what i think too. its like saying that its okay to be an abuser if the abused person allows it.

    banfi May 19, 2021 4:17 am
    spoilers from raws ahead! the thing about this though is that yeonwu feels a lot of shame about being the gay son of a hyper conservative pastor and for being that guy who betrayed tw with a nonconsensual kiss.... gtfo

    THIS everything u just said yes yes yes. also even if yw has a degredation kink taehean doesnt know that. he's pretty clear on not caring abt whether or not yeonwu is actually enjoying their time together cuz he just sees him as a way to get off, at least in the beginning

    banfi May 19, 2021 4:18 am
    basically what i think too. its like saying that its okay to be an abuser if the abused person allows it. gtfo


    banfi May 19, 2021 4:22 am
    I mean? Realistically? Yeonwu is probably into being degraded and he probably feels some sort of guilt for making Taehwan “homophobic” (despite the fact that it’s not his fault)- there’s a lot of layers... TheKirara67

    i said this already in another reply but that doesn't make taehwans actions any better or more excusable. if anything it shows that hes knowingly exploiting yeonwus guilt and lack of self respect. plus he doesnt actually know if yeonwu has a degredation kink or not

    TheKirara67 May 19, 2021 8:34 am
    spoilers from raws ahead! the thing about this though is that yeonwu feels a lot of shame about being the gay son of a hyper conservative pastor and for being that guy who betrayed tw with a nonconsensual kiss.... gtfo

    Ty for the explanation and spoilers! I really appreciate seeing your insight as I cannot understand the raws~

    Mintcupcake May 20, 2021 1:33 am
    bro... you just said pretty much everything i said in my reply to you so much more succinctly... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but i hope my reply gives some insights from raws if you want to see that! gtfo

    Hahaha I'm sorry I just saw your reply but yes, I'm up to date with the raws and pretty much what you and I said is right, but I loved your reply so much more, and I'm actually happy for those last chapters because it seems that yeonwu is finally kind of standing up for himself in some way, but we will see I guess ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~