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Okay here is my opinion of this story: I think it has a lot of potential and the plott in ...

Akiraama May 19, 2021 3:05 am

Okay here is my opinion of this story:
I think it has a lot of potential and the plott in itself is quite interesting. The art is okay and kinda suits this story. I would like it far more if thous listened things were to be fixed or better.

First is the pacing. I think it's too fast and I think some pages are missing or out of order, so it makes even harder to follow the plott l. The characters in itself ar so meh I don't know but they are really plain. I couldn't familiarize with any of them, even with our MC. It could be more interesting to read, if we could see some character changes, developments and more interactions. I want to see him go from a normal high schooler to bad ass monster or something and how he got there. His relationship with Laura is kinda meh too. I don't know it's just plain. He didn't give me the feeling that she is really THAT important to him and the feelings didn't reached me because of this fast progression. I even wanted to see how a player kinda cooperated with the monsters and I hope to get to see it sometime soon. We'll, the art is okay and the story has real potential but the pacing, character design and the interaction with each other makes it hard to read. This is all I can say for the firsr 35 chapters.

Annd I kinda don't like his green arm.. I mean couldn't they make something cool like wings or wolvs clows? Or something? It's just my opinion. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Beloved1103 June 1, 2021 2:16 pm

    If you want to read it with full panels go to