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I had thought that Tsukasa had this warped view of brotherly love, and would have these in...

Eecha May 19, 2021 1:01 am

I had thought that Tsukasa had this warped view of brotherly love, and would have these intense violent tendencies with Hanako as the target. Then out of fear, and self defense he used a kitchen knife and killed Tsukasa. I would say that a moment like that would have to happen while he's feeling overwhelmed and desperate to make the cause of his pain stop. Maybe I've viewed Tsukasa a bit harshly? I mean, he is a little sociopath who uses violence as a means to do things, it couldn't be helped. So he sacrificed himself for the sickly hanako-kun, hm. But then how would that tie to Hanako having killed him? The guilt of finding out his brother sacrificed himself for him would make him believe he killed him? Unless this is just a scenario Tsukasa thought up. Ughhh, these chapters come out too slow. I dont want to theorize, I just want to see xD
