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I don't understand

NinNin May 18, 2021 12:59 am

Okay so saw the leaks and a lot of discussion about it in the comment section.
I admit with all of you that it is extremely vexing for Eren to die in vain after all he had done but nothing changed where instead he could have just lived a good life for the next few remaining years he had.

Why are people hating on Mikasa for moving on with her life?
Yes Mikasa had the purest form of love for Eren.
But do you guys actually want her to keep moping over Eren's death and die alone?
Time healed her wound, she opened up her heart to accept a new person and married Jean, a man that truly loves her from the bottom of his heart (even though he knows she will love Eren all her life).

You guys should feel happy for her instead that she moved on and is living happily.
Yes his wish was that she would be only his, but come on, everyone will eventually move on in their lives, even we do.

Yeah so stop hating on her or Isayama in regards to her love life matters. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    KurooTsukkiStan May 18, 2021 6:31 pm

    Exactly thank you!!! I hate it that mikasa can’t live her life by continually moping over eren for her entire young life. I want her to be happy