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I hate to say it, but this is poorly written

Satan May 17, 2021 5:40 pm

I'm going to be real here. I've observed Nakamura's work and her writing style for a long time now and I can confidently say that she lacks writing skills when it comes to character growth. When the story calls for growth and meaningful conversation between two adult characters, she relies on the same tactics to push the story forward. A third character or a love triangle is fabricated seemingly arbitrarily just for the sake of pushing two characters forward.

Take Onodera and Takano for example. I can only speak for myself when I say this, but there is nothing I'd love more than a single chapter where Ono and Taka have a heart-to-heart long conversation. Anything at this point. I'm sure most of us would deeply appreciate a few pages of true growth. I was understanding Nakamura for a very long time, but right now, I can confidently say that the author just isn't a very skilled writer. Simple as that.

    @Mika-licious May 25, 2021 10:24 am

    ugh! This comment.... Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
    As a long-time reader.. this comment just.... resonates with my soul....
    I don't want it to... because I am so damn invested in takano and Ritsu getting together so I am on my knees praying for any sort of development but DAMN! this comment is so on point! ( ̄∇ ̄")