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As a reader, I still can't believe that he allowed himself to be hugged by another woman,...

ren May 17, 2021 8:26 am

As a reader, I still can't believe that he allowed himself to be hugged by another woman, in bed with both of them naked. He wanted it, he's a man , after all, but perhaps he was too exhausted to do anything. But it didn't prevent him from hugging a naked woman. No matter how hard I try, I don't undestand that situation. It is just too inappropriate. His son just died, his wife is totally broken , but he leaves her alone while she's grieving, and does not see her for 2 weeks, and then she comes back and finds him in bed with a woman. Is he stupid? And for 5 years, he leaves her alone, and maybe permanently alone if she has not come back to visit her son's grave for the last time, because she has been asked to divorce Andreas.

Aside from that, how has that cousin of his "comforted " him ? He says he has not been with any woman.... any woman, maybe, except his cousin who has comforted him. How ? How did she comfort him?

    SayerSong May 31, 2021 3:19 am

    Apparently there was no sex involved. She just let him cry himself asleep in her arms. But yeah, there was NO NEED for them to be naked for that! For ONE, he HAD to have had other clothes there (it was HIS APARTMENT for Gods Sake!), so WHY was he not at least wearing a robe or pajamas or even A FRIGGIN T-SHIRT! She also could have borrowed his clothes, just so she had something ON. No, I will NOT be convinced that there was a plausible reason for them to be naked. Even had their clothes BEEN soaked.