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people sayin uke is insensitive

Shopliftee May 17, 2021 8:20 am

Jiho rejected him twice! And both times he was pretty straightforward and clear. He didn't leave any room for Woojin to think he has a chance and said he wanted to remain friends only. Woojin is the one who said he can stay friends cuz he just wants to be with him no matter how. If he couldn't stand it he could say sorry and disappear. and ppl saying 'but you have to be sensitive to Woojin's feelings' if jiho held back the first time, he would unconciously do that for the rest of his life and they won't even be friends or lovers but like acquaintances with a weird tension cuz Jiho will always have to think of what he speaks and does and Woojin would totally see through that.

I think the way jiho did it is actually how you should respond if a person you rejected wants to remain friends just like they were before. That way, they can still be close but still leave no doubt for the rejected person to think he/she has a chance.

    zooliee June 1, 2021 7:01 am

    the only thing i didn't like is that woojin only existed to help jiho, he didn't have a life of his own or some closure for himself