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I hope there’s no happy ending for this one..

debdeble May 17, 2021 7:07 am

I’m usually the type to read a whole series when I start one.. but I got fed up with all 3 of the characters cuz they’re so immature.. I couldn’t keep reading after episode 29 cuz the whole sex solves everything and the scene of the cheating/jerking off scene really made me upset. Like all three of them have really messed up mentalities, their solutions to problems, and the things they’re okay with doing so far(Tom was hugging haejoon at the cheating scene even though he was saying that he didn’t want it) really piss me off. Normally I would finish read it no matter how ridiculous the storyline was but this one is a no from me. I hope the author made that intentional and that they don’t actually think that this is okay irl (lmk if I should actually try to finish it cuz I’m half way through but imma take a break from this one) I hope they at least address the apparent issues or at least give the characters an ending that makes sense.
