Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable. we wait again for months... it was a satisfying chapter though... it's interesting ...

mafuyupomeranian May 14, 2021 7:21 am we wait again for months... it was a satisfying chapter though... it's interesting to see doumeki, who had a kind personality that's not suitable for yazuka world act ruder towards his beloved chikara to prove himself to be on the equal footing as yashiro like that. i think the fact that he brought it up is so cute and it just proves how he just couldn't move on from him at all lmao. im sorry, i still see doumeki as a big puppy lol... also seeing yashiro jerk off after that sexual tension is very interesting to see :) he's the same old yashiro after all, just like doumeki said. (=・ω・=)
