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mimi May 14, 2021 4:42 am

so I remember reading this BL one shot while ago.

basically the seme was kind of like God and everyone knew about it. he had just one friend from childhood. seme didn't like to go to school cause everyone talks about him but uke is always close to him. they knew they love eachother but after a certain age (like 20 or something) seme will automatically die. he born for the well being of the society. every god who born dies after that certain age. uke knew when seme will turn 20 or something he will die so they wanted to stay the night together. they had sex but next day when uke wakes up seme wasn't there like he vanished but seme left a stone it's like whenever a god dies they leave a shiny stone. uke cries a lot holding the stone and hoped they will meet again
