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Well.. I'm rambling here ..( it's kinda long.. And i mean no harm so no hate please )

Bloopy May 21, 2016 8:56 pm

I cant remember who quoted it.. soooo ......
" If you fall in love with two person , pick the second one. Because if you really love the first , you wont fall for the second "
Well i know some might disagree with this.. RELAX , if I were you , me too ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
But since i've also experienced Raku's situation, I can relate to it.. I do know that first love is REALLY , REALLY HARD to forget. And i end up (kinda) comparing my first love with my second .. I know it was rude of me to compare them ╥﹏╥
After i compared both of them.. the 1st guy was the best choice , oh wow, it made me wonder why i fell for the 2nd guy :/
But then i remembered why , it was the 2nd guy that made me smile more than before , bringing joy to me even though we're far apart..
When we got into a fight , it felt lonelier and bitter than ever , like when raku and chitoge fought during the cultural festival :')
I rarely cry.. so when we (2nd guy) fought , i hurts hell. The words thrown , it still hurts.. Even the atmosphere feels heavy..
To make it short , i picked the 2nd . Because , the emotions , feelings i have now are all due to him , making him my world ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ but the 1st one will forever be my memorable love of course
aren't i cheesy ,,
Ah , and for this manga , i'm not picking favorites , like picking the 2nd choice ( chitoge) or whatever ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
i'm okay with both ships . . Just at least make it a happy end for all characters
