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I want to like this but…

neonpoop May 13, 2021 10:10 pm

This is honestly a very hard story for me to stomach. I really want to like it, I think it’s interesting, but as someone who’s mother was very cold to them as a child and was repeatedly told how much she didn’t want children and how much she could have accomplished if she didn’t have me it makes me nauseous to see her suddenly act so familiar with her son.

Children want affection when they’re young, that’s when you establish the bonds and the type of relationship you have with them. At his age he’s already got his life on track and it seems like he’s accomplished and stable with where he is. His mother is basically a stranger and she acts way too familiar with him for her own feelings with no consideration on how uncomfortable he may feel. Your child doesn’t owe you affection just because you suddenly want it.

She knows nothing about him, what his accomplishments are, how he’s fairing, if he likes sword training etc etc, but immediately cuts back his training and education. Did he want that? Did she ever ask him? She’s suddenly reentering his life and taking control of it when she still doesn’t even know a single thing about him.

She just seems very selfish to me. Honestly if I didn’t have my own family issues I think I would find it interesting how this MC is the cause of her own problems and the uphill battle to fix her own wrongs, but I do have my own issues and this just makes me physically uncomfortable. I’m going to try and power read through the parts that make me nauseous until I get further into the story, everyone else seems to like this so I really want to too.

    youraedthiswrogn May 13, 2021 10:43 pm

    I think that in his case the story has shown that he still wants his mother's love, he's just become untrusting of her actions because they're seemingly out of nowhere. As far as her doing things for him, he's still a child and she's his mother, it's her job to watch over how he's handling his school life. She found out that his father was having him do too much at once and made the decision that it was too much at once.

    I think the difference between him and you (from the little bit I've read) is that he's still open to a mother-son relationship, which is why he sees that she's trying and weighs that against his own personal feelings.

    Ruri May 13, 2021 11:25 pm

    From the age of 6 to adulthood and beyond, I did not live with my mother.
    She had a life outside of me entirely, and so I lived most of my life feeling like my mother was a stranger. That changed later on in life when I interacted with her more into adulthood, which was something I never thought was possible. Relationships can change at any given time, truly.

    It doesn't change the past, but it's hard to begrudge someone who is trying to be better. For Vicente, he is still reading the room, but it does seem like he is open to their relationship.

    Although I also personally understand that churning feeling at reading something so terribly relatable. I try not to be biased. A good story is still a good story, even if I don't enjoy the contents of it. It's okay if you don't like every aspect of it, but I do hope you'll still stick with it.

    itbelikethat May 13, 2021 11:27 pm

    i think it’s hard to stomach because he has every right to not want a relationship, and we can all see where she went wrong, but it also shows how difficult things were for her from her perspective. in this period in time women were expected to be mothers and wives, and give up everything to be them. you can see it right now with her lady in waiting, how she’s expected to be married off and that’s what her life revolves around now even if she doesn’t want it. our mc had a child and her life was no longer her own, she was expected to give it up for him and she wasn’t prepared for that, especially at such a young age. now, that doesn’t make it right, because there are obvious sacrifices that come into play when you have a child and bring life into the world, but it also touches more on important issues than just her missing her social life. though it wasn’t given a medical name, in the flashbacks she obviously had post-partum depression. even when she knew she should want to, she couldn’t connect to her child and couldn’t feel love for him. she spiraled and there was no one there to help her, offer therapy, or any support. i assume this is because people didn’t know much about it, and just expected women to fall seamlessly into motherhood. untreated ppd is a hell of a mental illness.

    it’s been a very sad story so far. the son isnt wrong for not wanting a relationship with her, and being skeptical of her. she was given another chance at life and wants to mend their relationship because to her it seems better than not trying at all, and while that’s commendable, it’s truly up to her son :((

    fRaN May 14, 2021 12:26 am

    As someone who has a mom in a toxic relationship with her father I completely understand why she did what she did

    fRaN May 14, 2021 12:26 am
    As someone who has a mom in a toxic relationship with her father I completely understand why she did what she did fRaN

    Her child can choose not to forgive her but in the end she had her reasons

    fRaN May 14, 2021 12:27 am
    Her child can choose not to forgive her but in the end she had her reasons fRaN

    The Duke while being hurt by her words also neglected her mental health as most of the people there

    fRaN May 14, 2021 12:29 am
    The Duke while being hurt by her words also neglected her mental health as most of the people there fRaN

    And when she finally realized she was no longer happy there they all just deemed her a train wreck

    fRaN May 14, 2021 12:30 am
    And when she finally realized she was no longer happy there they all just deemed her a train wreck fRaN

    They had refused to let her do anything but go out or raise her child in which she chose to get her 5 seconds of freedom

    fRaN May 14, 2021 12:31 am
    They had refused to let her do anything but go out or raise her child in which she chose to get her 5 seconds of freedom fRaN

    Which indeed was selfish but both parties here are in the wrong and singing the Duke’s praises is only going to make it worse

    fRaN May 14, 2021 12:33 am
    Which indeed was selfish but both parties here are in the wrong and singing the Duke’s praises is only going to make it worse fRaN

    They didn’t even give her proper treatment for her depression either and day by day she just didn’t want to see her son anymore

    fRaN May 14, 2021 12:36 am
    They didn’t even give her proper treatment for her depression either and day by day she just didn’t want to see her son anymore fRaN

    He was the exact replica of the man that she wanted to hate so badly but couldn’t so she shut both of them out

    fRaN May 14, 2021 12:39 am
    He was the exact replica of the man that she wanted to hate so badly but couldn’t so she shut both of them out fRaN

    I understand inflicting your own trauma in books but do not neglect her side of the story in the process it’ll just make the book worse for you

    Mousse May 14, 2021 5:04 am
    I understand inflicting your own trauma in books but do not neglect her side of the story in the process it’ll just make the book worse for you fRaN

    True..all the more coz she has symptoms of PPD.. she's showing signs of depression but not one in that household helped her.. even just one person who will listen to her could've made a great impact ..