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Hello I'm dumb

animelova May 13, 2021 2:28 pm

Please explain to me what the problem was? I need simpler words cause I lack brain cells. Thanks :)

    ahvacado May 13, 2021 3:21 pm

    natori felt bad about ruining asako's birthday because he asked why she took the business card from a guy flirting with her and I think he also asked her to move in with him. asako was overwhelmed and so natori felt really bad and kept on apologizing and being overly careful

    ゼンリー May 13, 2021 3:24 pm

    Basically, Kotaro was acting like he could step on needles at any point. He was being too considerate and apologetic to her, too careful. She didn't like that, because now, he was treating her like a different person. There was definitely something causing him to act that way toward her but she didn't know what exactly. Then they solve this issue

    animelova May 14, 2021 10:53 am
    natori felt bad about ruining asako's birthday because he asked why she took the business card from a guy flirting with her and I think he also asked her to move in with him. asako was overwhelmed and so natori... ahvacado

    thank you!

    animelova May 14, 2021 10:54 am
    Basically, Kotaro was acting like he could step on needles at any point. He was being too considerate and apologetic to her, too careful. She didn't like that, because now, he was treating her like a different ... ゼンリー

    Thank you!