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Authors, pls normalize adding safe words of you're gonna write a story and it's bdsm... th...

Megumi's stepmom May 12, 2021 9:47 am

Authors, pls normalize adding safe words of you're gonna write a story and it's bdsm... this story is so concerning like first of all a drunk person cannot give consent since they're drunk their prolly y'know- in their own world...?

    Your local Fujoshi May 16, 2021 11:40 pm

    Drunken sex is drunken sex. And he didn't even fucking try to do anything while he was drunk since the dude passed out. He waited for him to remember his consent as well and see if he still wanted to do it

    Megumi's stepmom May 17, 2021 3:30 am
    Drunken sex is drunken sex. And he didn't even fucking try to do anything while he was drunk since the dude passed out. He waited for him to remember his consent as well and see if he still wanted to do it Your local Fujoshi

    I can see your "point" or whatever but when you said "drunken sex is drunk sex.".. you had me fcked up on that one. Maybe you should look up what r@pe/torture really is b4 you comment some shit like this bc you're literally defending r@pe and a very unhealthy bdsm rn. Have you ever tried maybe therapy? Cuz for some reason I feel like you really need it.

    Megumi's stepmom May 17, 2021 3:32 am
    Drunken sex is drunken sex. And he didn't even fucking try to do anything while he was drunk since the dude passed out. He waited for him to remember his consent as well and see if he still wanted to do it Your local Fujoshi

    Are you just trolling rn or are you frr? Cuz I feel like you only said this to get attention.

    Acture June 28, 2021 11:26 pm
    Are you just trolling rn or are you frr? Cuz I feel like you only said this to get attention. Megumi's stepmom

    Thy praise thee for facts