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hmmmm my black bellied baby !!

やめて May 11, 2021 8:37 pm

So I finish the novel a lonnnng time ago but I didn’t even notice there was a manhua adaptation anyways for some odd reason I can’t read/focus on this. I know it doesn’t make sense but like could it be that because I’ve read the entire story soo the image I came up with while reading and the manhua isn’t matching up and that is why it isn’t catching my attention....or it just could be that I basically spoiled myself so It’s no longer new. GRRRRR But I must hold on and preserver, because there’s a character that I REALLLY REALLLY REALLY want to see. Y’all gotta look at the novel tho. Wu Xie is undoubtedly my favorite Wuxia character..

(SPOILERS) read at your own risk (he he he)

There was this part that.... and then ..... and arrrg ... this person........and then they....... and boom...... and ugh I cried... ..... then there was this one part that went BANG ...... then something was like pow and I cried again.... and then screamed and then ..... this happened.... that also happened.... and SWOOSH..... then there was a FLOOF.... and more FLOOF... and there’s this BIG FLOOF yeaaaaah good stuff (▰˘◡˘▰)
