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Riftan's feeling

igain May 11, 2021 1:31 pm

I feel so sad for Maxi, she doesn't deserve this. But I can't jugde Riftan either for just one chapter. I hope they had conversations after this and be able to include Riftan's feeling at this moment. I think he just so scared something bad happened to her and couldn't express his feeling well. He just comeback from very long journey, obviously very tired, found his home was attacked, and his wife falling on the ground with knights swinging swords everywhere. For what I know from previous chapter he's indeed had a bad mouth but never ever he had any intention to hurt her

    titetoile11 May 11, 2021 1:37 pm

    of course, it's obvious he's angry because he's retrospectivly scared that something could have happened to her. he wanted her to stay safe and not be there on the battlefield. But really i wish both of them would COMMUNICATE!!