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My favorite thing abt the people hating thjs

BabyCakezz May 11, 2021 10:28 am

They hate when it's anything to do with women and say " ew rpe" when u check they literally read the same thing but gay

    yoshi May 12, 2021 6:58 am

    Wellp, you have some bias there. Rape is still criticized a lot in bl too and especially in more modern webtoons+mangas. Indeed, the debate is on they're fiction so doesn't matter etc etc

    BabyCakezz May 13, 2021 2:04 am
    Wellp, you have some bias there. Rape is still criticized a lot in bl too and especially in more modern webtoons+mangas. Indeed, the debate is on they're fiction so doesn't matter etc etc yoshi

    Na bro shut up ppl literally just hate if it'd hetero I've checked their lists

    BabyCakezz May 13, 2021 2:05 am
    Wellp, you have some bias there. Rape is still criticized a lot in bl too and especially in more modern webtoons+mangas. Indeed, the debate is on they're fiction so doesn't matter etc etc yoshi

    And quite literally I was calling them out on hypocrisy

    yoshi May 13, 2021 9:48 am
    Na bro shut up ppl literally just hate if it'd hetero I've checked their lists BabyCakezz

    I don't deny this fact. There are always anti of something. I just say don't put everyone who be ew rape in the same anti-hetero-but-gay-manga-lover pot. I'm not trying argue with you. Yet it kinda looked like you have some hatred and bias

    BabyCakezz May 14, 2021 2:27 am
    I don't deny this fact. There are always anti of something. I just say don't put everyone who be ew rape in the same anti-hetero-but-gay-manga-lover pot. I'm not trying argue with you. Yet it kinda looked like ... yoshi

    Your projecting pls. Stfu with ur assumptions abt me it literally gets u no where. Also wtf is this so called bias towards I was just stating what I saw with people's profiles. What bias is there in that omg

    yanderebfsupremacy May 14, 2021 10:21 pm

    idk how u ended up having that biased assumption but uh so many people hate on rape in bls??? LOL if u keep saying stfu to every reply u aint gettin nowhere with that point. just bc u checked a few lists and profiles doesnt mean everyone thinks like that. gtfo no one wants ur attitude lmao

    BabyCakezz May 17, 2021 10:00 am
    idk how u ended up having that biased assumption but uh so many people hate on rape in bls??? LOL if u keep saying stfu to every reply u aint gettin nowhere with that point. just bc u checked a few lists and pr... yanderebfsupremacy


    yanderebfsupremacy May 19, 2021 5:44 am
    Stfu BabyCakezz


    chryss May 29, 2021 4:39 pm

    You have a good point, most fujoushis who still fetishise gay men just won’t acknowledge it lol. If it’s two good looking dudes rape is just a plot point to them.

    katsuki bakugou June 1, 2021 11:58 pm

    just a question was their any signs of consent