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Aya May 11, 2021 5:20 am

Might contain spoiler, so read at your own risk....
Generally speaking, the story is good and very interesting. It is an exciting revenge type manhwa so it deserves good ratings. However, the more i read, the more im bothered, and so here are my constructive and honest review and experience reading this manhwa. Reminder: this is only based on my full views and thoughts.

1. The art is pretty especially the female lead, shes gorgeous. However, the art executionwas either lacking or exaggerating. There are serious events where the seriousness art needs, but the illustrator mixed up comedy in wrong scenes. Example is when the bad man with moustache suddenly strangle the a man outside the pub. The art style changed and became comedic art. For me the comedy is out of place and shouldnt be executed that time.. nevertheless the reactions of characters are ok.

2. The storyline is fast yet slow. It is fast due to the male lead falling in love less than 12 hours with the female lead. And it is slow because the execution of the dialogues were ok, but there are parts that looks like dragging just to make the story longer.

3. Speaking of dialogue dragging, there were a lot of unecessary flashbacks. And the flashbacks are quite boring in the sense of there are too many dialogues.

4. The first 10 chapters are really really good! It gets my heart excited. But when the male and female lead met, i dont know, the excitement fades little by little. What i dont like the most about them is a lot of staring-at-you-with-flirting-eyes... Hehe. They should feel sense of urgency, but there are long moments where the flirting with eyes are very very visible..excuse me, you have to save someone, but you have the luxury to laugh and flirt first.. hehehe.

5. The transition of illustration was not so smooth which keeps you wonder 'huh, what happened'?

6. This is the first time ive seen a manhwa with female and male leads glowing eyes, and yet, shows little to no power. I mean usually when a lead glows eyes he or she should release good amount of power right? Im quite disappointed. The action is quite lacking.

7. Both female and male characters are powerful yet they are not. They just keep on babbling hehe. They are powerful because they are. But i am just wondering, their first obstacle together was only a level 1 fatty lord. And yet, they look like losing. I mean since it is a lvel 1 enemy, they should at least finish the problem fast right? And poor emperor, even him, he was even injured easily. Oh my i hate seeing them weak. This keeps me wondering, if their power in only at that limit, how can they defeat the ultimate boss which is the jerky king???? Mmm

So that's it, again it my full views. Mine might be different from yours.. what i think most of the problem is the execution of the art and which dialogues from the original novel should be included in the manhwa or not, and yeah the dragging of the dialogues are quite tiring to read. The story is generally good, just add more spice to make it better.

Bonus: i hate the bf of leone.... So coward!
