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Mel May 10, 2021 7:37 pm

Well im not concerned about the whole threesome thing, the first time he still agreed to do it though he’s surprised, so it wasnt raped, now the threesome one kinda is though, and he only forgave them because the uke is so deeply in love with the seme. The only problem i see is i cant feel any romantic feelings from the seme to the uke. The uke for the seme though? It’s obvious. From the seme’s point of view the only thing i can see is that he thinks the uke is “cute”? And then he starts doing things without asking the uke first? There’s such a thing called “communication” especially when it comes to bdsm stuff, spanking, toys, blindfolds, you cant just test it out on the person right away, y’all gotta talk to each other about it first. Normally im a very easy reader trust me, but there are just some stuff i cant help but feel uneasy with, especially with feelings. Maybe it’s because there arent enough chapters, even so, the author could make the seme’s feelings more clearly and not just make it purely physical.
