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A scan group already released chapter one a couple days ago and the quality is top tier~ y...

KivaStar May 10, 2021 1:26 am

A scan group already released chapter one a couple days ago and the quality is top tier~ you guys should check it out. Chapter 1 is on their site and they have other projects too

    xYenh May 10, 2021 4:06 am

    The scan group you linked did a great job, but I personally love whoever translated this upload much more. Whoever did this translation gave it a very poetic and characterized touch that really drew me in and I really hope they do more chapters.

    KivaStar May 10, 2021 4:55 am

    The person who did this one didn't do the whole chapter and they added in too much words, but they did indeed do good. Also they repeated panels. But the scan group I linked, made it easy and simple to read and the wording was very nice, and they did the whole chapter lol

    KivaStar May 10, 2021 4:57 am
    The person who did this one didn't do the whole chapter and they added in too much words, but they did indeed do good. Also they repeated panels. But the scan group I linked, made it easy and simple to read and... KivaStar

    this person made it too wordy if you know what i mean

    KivaStar May 10, 2021 5:09 am

    i looked at the raws and the translations were changed a lot from this person's upload

    xYenh May 10, 2021 5:24 am
    The person who did this one didn't do the whole chapter and they added in too much words, but they did indeed do good. Also they repeated panels. But the scan group I linked, made it easy and simple to read and... KivaStar

    Ah, you're right, this upload is missing some panels. Thank you for sharing the other scan group. They did make it easy to read and the edits and cleans are amazingly beautiful but I still favor this translators choice of words and style of writing more. While you may find it wordy, I rather enjoy it as it paints a clearer picture and sets a certain mood to the scenes. I'm not familiar with with Korean so I don't have a clue as to what words were actually written but I really thought this translator captured the intentions of the author.

    Someonethatislostlol May 10, 2021 5:41 am
    Ah, you're right, this upload is missing some panels. Thank you for sharing the other scan group. They did make it easy to read and the edits and cleans are amazingly beautiful but I still favor this translator... xYenh

    Yeah sucks they mis order it but I agree! Just seems it’s more..pretty lmao I like the fonts better the translations are actually pretty similar but like this one is just made more grandiose it’s so extra I luv

    xYenh May 10, 2021 6:28 am
    Yeah sucks they mis order it but I agree! Just seems it’s more..pretty lmao I like the fonts better the translations are actually pretty similar but like this one is just made more grandiose it’s so... Someonethatislostlol

    I like the fonts/typesetters from the scan group a lil more, they did a better job with the cleaning imo. I don't think the translations within the two groups/uploader are similar though. Uploaders choice of words defines MC as a visibly miserable shadow of his past self. Lines like "I know, that if I close my eyes" vs "when I close my eyes" makes MC seem dreadfully aware, that this reoccurring dream truly HAUNTS him.
    Another example is "All that is left is....and the phantom limb that the blooming flower petals LEFT BEHIND" vs "But now, it's all no more than AN ILLUSION" the illusion paints a deeper connection with not only his arm but also his past, his former glory, almost like he's looking in the mirror trying to search for his shadow---also smooth transition to uploaders other characterized lines, mentioning his pride and stuff...really fleshes the guy out.

    KivaStar May 10, 2021 6:32 am

    hmm personally i do favor the scan group's translations because this one has quite a lot of missing panels that are important to have in as this manhwa has very important terms and details that are critical to the story~ i'm not saying this one is bad haha, they did good, but adding more words than the author themselves put in the raws isn't really good. The author wanted to keep translations to the minimal, and the scan group did a great job at doing that.The person also missed certain terms that are important in the series. Though, both chapters were good, I just prefer the other one since I got to read the whole chapter and it was easy to read in their release~!

    Someonethatislostlol May 10, 2021 6:52 am
    I like the fonts/typesetters from the scan group a lil more, they did a better job with the cleaning imo. I don't think the translations within the two groups/uploader are similar though. Uploaders choice of wo... xYenh

    Damn I don’t even think of of the illusion line like that but you’re pointing out good points! I feel like the uploaders were a bit more aware of the style of this comic, they tried to get the intention through. The group seems to be aware of what readers understand, and they do have better organization from the looks of it hahaha
    But I agree that this one is just a lot better thought out with words? I think another good example is “that dream, that sweet melody, and the past...” vs “that dream, that melody, that beautiful old memory”
    Like there is only a slight difference in meaning so you can tell the tl is probably aiming for the same thing but I just love the hploaders poetic style and like the groups is easy to read but I do feel like I’m reading a modern comic rather than what the author intended to be an elegant kinda romanticized element to the art
    I like how they use cursive from time to time too tho lol
    Missing panels are a huge negative sighs but overall I agree with you!

    xYenh May 10, 2021 7:36 am
    Damn I don’t even think of of the illusion line like that but you’re pointing out good points! I feel like the uploaders were a bit more aware of the style of this comic, they tried to get the intention thr... Someonethatislostlol

    Ahhhhhhh~~ Ikr! The uploader totally nailed the elegant and romanticized element >w< TBF tho, since I'm not familiar with Korean it's uncertain whether this overdramatic style of writing was actually intended or the uploader added that in as spicy seasoning since there is a fine line between translating word for word vs translating based on intent of message, so I'll give Kiva's opinions the benefit of doubt....BUT WILL I STILL STAN THIS TRANSLATOR? HELL YEA.
    this fucking line right here "And for every key I touched, it was as if..." THIS PAUSE! omg, this pause right here--I can FEEL mc being enchanted midsentence as he was narrating it! "with every note that followed, a rose petal was born" his music coming to life right before his eyes like a pleasant spring breeze. my man just gave birth to some fresh ass beats and im wheezing.

    Someonethatislostlol May 10, 2021 1:16 pm
    Ahhhhhhh~~ Ikr! The uploader totally nailed the elegant and romanticized element >w< TBF tho, since I'm not familiar with Korean it's uncertain whether this overdramatic style of writing was actually inte... xYenh

    “SOME FRESH ASS BEATS” I’m wheezing this made me laugh so early in the morning hahshsjjejejskms

    KivaStar May 10, 2021 6:09 pm
    Ahhhhhhh~~ Ikr! The uploader totally nailed the elegant and romanticized element >w< TBF tho, since I'm not familiar with Korean it's uncertain whether this overdramatic style of writing was actually inte... xYenh

    I mean, they added in translations that weren't in the raws... even though it sounded pretty, if the author didn't write them, that messes with the story and the intentions the author wanted to put in their story wahhh

    xYenh May 10, 2021 8:37 pm
    I mean, they added in translations that weren't in the raws... even though it sounded pretty, if the author didn't write them, that messes with the story and the intentions the author wanted to put in their sto... KivaStar

    Not necessarily. Some lines/grammar can't be perfectly translated word for word when it comes to cultural differences or the like. For example, one of the official translators for MHA apparently got dragged into a twitter storm because a fan called them out for adding a swear word (damnit) to a line in the scene where Endeavor was yelling at his children. In the raws, never did he actually swear, but because not referring to a person by their name or honorific is disrespectful, the translator added in "damnit, you" to create a similar affect for English readers since that would otherwise go over our heads. Another type of instance that can't be perfectly translated is how there's different characters for sister-in-law and brother-in-law based on the mother/father side of the family. In English, we just refer to them as in-laws however, in Korean the pronunciation and characters add in specific detail about said in-laws relationship. If I had to translate, I would probably have to either add a note specifying the relationship, or add in extra dialogue to explain who this person's family background is.
    Getting slightly off track...I just think, this translator didn't change the authors intent by too much? Perhaps the author does not want their MC to be portrayed that dramatic, or maybe they won't mind. I honestly don't think it was that big of a change by adding in extra words because the message between both translation groups still bring the same main point across--which was he had a dream, a repeating tragic dream, but still just a dream with an discontinued end he can't quite remember....oh and now he's writing a solo for a dancer, okay.
    And I also don't find their translations to be misleading because when Poe woke up from his dream, he was panting heavily and clenched onto his bedsheet--the drawing itself came across as if he was indeed being haunted from a nightmare, EVEN THO he did not say it, you can pick that up and with this translator you don't have to read between the lines to understand. They clarify that *confusion* for you.

    KivaStar May 11, 2021 2:38 am
    Not necessarily. Some lines/grammar can't be perfectly translated word for word when it comes to cultural differences or the like. For example, one of the official translators for MHA apparently got dragged int... xYenh

    Yo, i'm in scan groups so trust me dude. Translators follow whats in the raws. you cant just be like "oh let me add in stuff so it can match more to the series", because thats pretty much changing up the series. hence, groups translate what's on the raws

    xYenh May 11, 2021 3:32 am
    Yo, i'm in scan groups so trust me dude. Translators follow whats in the raws. you cant just be like "oh let me add in stuff so it can match more to the series", because thats pretty much changing up the series... KivaStar

    To me, translating is the act of interpreting what is meant, not what is said.
    I agree with someone who once said "because words have several different meanings per word based on the context of the sentence, the very nature of translation is the be interpretive."
    In most cases of translating, you're supposed to be trained to get into the authors mind and try to understand what he/she is trying to convey to the audience. Changing text and references so that readers can get a certain idea or feeling is fairly common practice. SURE, you can keep the original text and add translator notes to explain what the intent is BUT with official translations that are publicized like hard copies or Lezhin for example, will not allow that as it will distort the aesthetic of the art. At the end of the day, readers are not expected to go out of their way to learn every single cultural element of a story, thus translators are there to enforce a similar context through their choice of words and interpretation.
    Manga/Manhwa/webtoons/etc are at its core; a form of entertainment, not an educational material so it is not entirely necessary to keep the exact text. Otherwise, we could just use auto translate, but we all know how every feels about the accuracy in that.

    Someonethatislostlol May 11, 2021 4:50 am
    To me, translating is the act of interpreting what is meant, not what is said.I agree with someone who once said "because words have several different meanings per word based on the context of the sentence, the... xYenh


    Someonethatislostlol May 11, 2021 4:50 am
    Yo, i'm in scan groups so trust me dude. Translators follow whats in the raws. you cant just be like "oh let me add in stuff so it can match more to the series", because thats pretty much changing up the series... KivaStar

    Ah, you're in the group, that makes sense lol

    xYenh May 11, 2021 5:32 am
    SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! Someonethatislostlol

    heh, thanks for agreeing man ;//w//;
    i'll accept pretty much any kind of translation--even autos but i really appreciate translators who either provide notes with explanations or a really thought out interpretation of the authors work so i can get the most information out of it. i don't like feeling confused over a context that seems foreign to me so translations with more detail help me immensely.

    delicasse May 13, 2021 11:18 am
    To me, translating is the act of interpreting what is meant, not what is said.I agree with someone who once said "because words have several different meanings per word based on the context of the sentence, the... xYenh

    translation is really hard so everyone has their preferences. in terms of interpretation and readability though, i liked the scans group more because they kept the emotion while being concise about the wording. the first group seems like they had trouble deciding on the wording because korean tends to have more metaphors and wordplay in daily sentences that they translated it in its long form. if you look at asian > english translations, a lot of them tend to end up being quite wordy because they're trying to retain the poetic atmosphere. but the first group kind of lost it because of all the additional words. speaking as a chinese translator, the job is hard. its better to be concise especially when translating to english. but you always will gain and lose some in translating.

    xYenh May 13, 2021 4:06 pm
    translation is really hard so everyone has their preferences. in terms of interpretation and readability though, i liked the scans group more because they kept the emotion while being concise about the wording.... delicasse

    I actually agree with you on everything you just said...except for the part about the first group losing it by trying to retain the poetic atmosphere.
    Translating is hard and I am thankful for people like you and the two groups who take the time and effort of cleaning and everything to painfully & dutifully share these kinds beautiful stories with others. Like you said, each translation also has its own preferences (absolutely nothing wrong with that) so personally, because the drawings itself also suggests that his life is filled with metaphors, I think it would fit better to use a poetic format too--to market as an art piece as a whole or like a pseudo Shakespearian story. The first groups choice of words defiantly moved me more so in terms of impression, it left a bigger one.
    But yes, I agree being concise is better especially so you can understand the flow of the characters and plot more smoothly. For this case, I saw it more as an art piece so being concise for this would take some of that...magic away for me.