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Theory time- so I’ve noticed some things here about Inseo that I haven’t seen anyone c...

Morgan May 10, 2021 12:16 am

Theory time- so I’ve noticed some things here about Inseo that I haven’t seen anyone comment abt to I’m just gonna say it. I feel like he actually likes Hyeok and is just saying those things because he thinks Hyeok won’t want to be around him anymore or he likes Hyeok and is in denial so he keeps saying these things to find an excuse. You can tell from how he reacts to the things Hyeok does that it’s not simply just physical attraction

    Nsanch~ May 10, 2021 1:20 am

    I also think Hyeok likes Inseo but in a different way than inseo likes him I think he genuinely likes him but interpritates that love as sexual desire and nothing else like its just a game that He doesn't have to worry about while Inseo actually has feelings for him like what you said he is too scared that Hyeok is gonna leave him so he lies. I hope Hyeok and Inseo get into a fight or something and there's some small stuff between the manager and Inseo that will make Hyeok super jealous and realize that he actually has always like Inseo more than fuck bodies