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I like melissa and I like nine...

Berrie May 8, 2021 11:51 pm

I like melissa and I like nine... just not together lol. I'm probably the (very) small minority but I just dont feel like they're compatible or have chemistry. moreover, they live in olden society so I'm curious as to how melissa ends up with nine (if he is the ml) since it would be hard for a noble lady to be romantically involved with a butler of no social standing. I wonder how the author will twist around that one. I don't like any of the other 4 males in the story either. perhaps it would be better if melissa just stayed single and independent

    burito May 9, 2021 12:05 am

    tbf i don't like them together either. he acts too silly for her. she needs someone to be at her side, and not to always go against her crazy plans (even if that person isn't strong and all).
    but the thing about society... melissa wouldn't care at all, that is the answer.
    and if anyone would talk bad in front of her, she would beat them and make them shut up. tradition can fuck off..
    if she can take poison like it is nothing. if she can go against a monster everyone is afraid off... is tradition really where she draws the line?
    i go as far as saying, even if she was lesbian... she wouldn't care either. and would marry the other girl with a big party and all. and people would need to shut up or be punched to near a near death state.
    and nine has kind of special bloodline anyway, so he isn't really truly a butler... that is the initial excuse, but she could always change that. also, if anyone treated him like a normal employee, she would freak out.
    i hope she stays single and independent too tho! and if not, i hope the love life doesn't get in the way of her free spirited self.

    LatteGratte May 9, 2021 12:07 am

    Nine is the ML.

    ClassicGuardsman May 9, 2021 12:35 am
    Nine is the ML. LatteGratte

    I'm shocked. Truly. I could not think a more bogus claim than that one.

    LatteGratte May 9, 2021 12:40 am
    I'm shocked. Truly. I could not think a more bogus claim than that one. ClassicGuardsman

    You’re really that surprised? Well, maybe this will surprise you more.
    (Spoiler warning)




    Nine and Melissa even adopt a child. They cannot have children since Nine is a werewolf and Melissa is human.

    Shortchescak May 9, 2021 12:54 am
    You’re really that surprised? Well, maybe this will surprise you more.(Spoiler warning)...Nine and Melissa even adopt a child. They cannot have children since Nine is a werewolf and Melissa is human. LatteGratte

    they were sarcastic when replying lol. Still, thanks for the spoiler :D

    LatteGratte May 9, 2021 1:34 am
    they were sarcastic when replying lol. Still, thanks for the spoiler :D Shortchescak

    Oh. I guess I’m a bit dense.