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Yeah no, I don’t think I’m gonna do that

Evieon May 8, 2021 11:34 pm

I’m just thinking bout the other reina who died having never receiving love. And how she would always choose to trust people and how she was so naive even after they betrayed her she was oiled always make up an excuse for them. The fact that she was blamed for her mother’s death because she came out with no injuries. The fact she went through all this and still came out a kind decent human being who naively believed in people. The fact she needed permission to see her own child. The fact that the duke regretted what he did to her after he experienced the same harsh treatments. So no I don’t think I’m gonna give him a second chance. He had multiple chances in his previous life but yet she ended up dead. Once someone is dead there is no second chances, life isn’t a fucking time machine when you make multiple mistakes in your life you reflect and act accordingly. You don’t wait for your wife to die so that you can get a “second chance”

    maychan May 9, 2021 12:28 am

    totally true! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)