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Okay that girl is giving me trashta vibes I don’t like it

chokoratto May 7, 2021 10:17 am

Okay that girl is giving me trashta vibes I don’t like it

    I’m Always Watching You May 22, 2021 12:43 pm

    Same thought... ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Lia June 5, 2021 6:47 pm

    I thought the same but then I read the following chapters and...

    ****SPOILER ALERT****
    She is not.

    Lucy Pandora June 13, 2021 6:26 pm

    She is not bad, we have read too many stories where bitches are and now we assume everyone as such

    Lucy Pandora June 13, 2021 6:32 pm
    She is not bad, we have read too many stories where bitches are and now we assume everyone as such Lucy Pandora

    Sorry for the comment she is a bitch(Green head)