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Translations from stupid to English stupid

SadeReader May 7, 2021 10:13 am

"if you don't believe my words, then I'll have to show you through my actions" - Since groping a woman you claim to be in love with in your place of work is a clear show of how much you love her. I mean, it's not like a womaniser, rapist, stalker, pervert, sex offender or sexual abuser could do the obviously she'll see my sincerity if I squeeze her boobs( ꈍᴗꈍ)

"That didn't go well" - Yeah, me telling her I love her then proceeding to show her how much I love her through my actions by sexually harassing her again until she accepts my unwanted feelings that I just proclaimed so suddenly yesterday after the first instance of me sexually harassing her in our work place despite having years of opportunities due to working in the same establishment yet never showing it in any way, shape, or form....didn't go as well as I expected(;ŏ﹏ŏ)

"I apologize if I've been a hindrance to your work" - I didn't realize that me constantly harassing you in your place of work due to your wishy-washy rejections of my unwanted affections would bother I guess I'll stop now(╯︵╰,)

"I'd fallen for him long ago" - Yes, because me feeling competitive towards a diligent male co-worker who I've never considered more than a rival and never seen in a romantic light, a co-worker whose private life has never been of interest to me, and let's not forget, my co-worker who sexually harassed me and went on to proclaim his love for me....obviously means that I must have fallen for him(灬º‿º灬)♡

    sonhi June 7, 2021 12:18 pm

    I'll second that (●'◡'●)ノ
    Though I know this is just a manga, hopefully they would add a notice indicate how such a creep would get arrested in real life if they dare to commit such crime. MC also seems rather like a teenage just reach her puberty or a woman in her menopause with no actual experience in any kind of work force instead of a capable senior at work. ( ̄∇ ̄")
    Well I tend to leave my brain else where when I read smut, but these kind of stories still irked me somehow.

    Eve June 24, 2021 10:56 am

    LMFAOOOOOO. Truer words have never been said.

    EdgeLady April 26, 2024 11:26 am

    You ate that up and I love it lmao