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I don’t think Lucky really has any blame in the situation? Like she was feeling insecure...

Anonymous May 7, 2021 5:22 am

I don’t think Lucky really has any blame in the situation? Like she was feeling insecure/like their relationship was dwindling and she also made clear that she was uncomfortable with him constantly hanging out with the other girl (in the very first scene). And yet he still wanted to hang out with the other girl despite knowing that, which is fine and that’s really his choice. But, her breaking up with him because she cannot take it anymore is also her choice and a-okay. Even if terry and melody were just friends and not actually cheating, I still think it’s valid for the insecure partner to not continue the relationship. No one owes anyone a relationship, and neither did Lucky owe one to Terry if she was uncomfortable. Also, I really like how complex the characters are and I def am not hating on any of them, but if anyone *may* have been in the wrong so far- it was Terry. If he did actually plan to kill himself because of this, to threaten the person with “you’ll regret it” and then killing yourself is a pretty scummy move. But then again, I don’t know if that’s what really happened since the story hasn’t progressed that far and I can sense the story is going to be centred around this mystery, but *if* what I said earlier was actually the case I think that was pretty trashy of Terry.

    ChuYang May 11, 2021 10:19 am

    Like he literally rides roughshod over her decisions (as shown in the restaurant at the beginning of the story*), is shown to not be courteous (*), acts as if she's just being overly sensitive when she sees him together with Mallory rather than taking her seriously (again *), basically forces her to be his girlfriend (in that longer flashback scene of their high school years just before he said they should date**), is just obnoxious in general (especially shown here**).....

    I mean at the start of the story I didn't understand why I was supposed to sympathize with Lucky, either. I did think that suspecting he was cheating on her was a valid reason to break up with him but I just couldn't feel that it was actually *the* reason that she wanted to break up with him. The way she approached it was as if it didn't affect her at all, after all. So it appeared possible that she was just waiting for the right moment to use it as an excuse to break up with him.

    But it quickly became clear as the story continued to progress that she tends to close herself off even before the point where things would only get worse, in other words she starts closing herself off right when she thinks things seem to be going too well for her.