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I love sousuke as a character because honestly? He is a piece of shit, he is selfish and h...

LadyRose May 6, 2021 4:53 pm

I love sousuke as a character because honestly? He is a piece of shit, he is selfish and he doesn’t hide it and I like him for it. Like yesss give me complex characters that are bad but at least try.

But no matter how much I like him I can’t get over the incest. Like wtf was rhat scene, was that necessary???? Like I get theyre stepbrothers bla bla bla, but they still grew up together raised as brothers. And I can tell you siblings don’t jerk each other off. What was fhat lame excuse of “he is young” dude, the brother looks like he is the same age as Sousuke, maybe 15 at minimum what are you talking about -
