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don’t trash the characters maybe?

lovefoolish May 6, 2021 1:33 pm

ofc some of us aren’t gonna like the doc, it seems like he’s using dojun, but bc they’re the side story couple he’s probably going to have character development. also, i don’t think he meant it that way when he said that, y’all saw him say he would cook for him... but yeah (o.o) this is the authors choice for the side couple, so let’s at least be respectful !! thank you for coming to my tedtalk

    MeloNelo3 May 6, 2021 1:37 pm

    Lmfao, I just learned the best modifier/sign off to any rant ever: ‘thank you for coming to my tedtalk’ omg LOL brilliant. Tysm

    lovefoolish May 6, 2021 1:39 pm
    Lmfao, I just learned the best modifier/sign off to any rant ever: ‘thank you for coming to my tedtalk’ omg LOL brilliant. Tysm MeloNelo3

    LOLLL ofc :>