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Can someone kill that vampire.

yagami May 5, 2021 12:44 am

Can someone kill that vampire.

    LaNansha May 5, 2021 12:58 am

    As long as Tristan doesn’t do it, I don’t mind. I feel like any chance he has of explaining his choice of being a vampire hunter to Ethan without him resenting him for it, will crumble if he finds out that Tristan killed this guy.

    yagami May 5, 2021 1:25 am
    As long as Tristan doesn’t do it, I don’t mind. I feel like any chance he has of explaining his choice of being a vampire hunter to Ethan without him resenting him for it, will crumble if he finds out that ... LaNansha

    Yeah...Im but I think the vampire would survive and then use it against Tristan to get or make Ethan furious...
    At the end it's a Lose - Lose

    LaNansha May 5, 2021 1:30 am
    Yeah...Im but I think the vampire would survive and then use it against Tristan to get or make Ethan furious...At the end it's a Lose - Lose yagami

    True... oh well, what’s romance without the drama?

    yagami May 5, 2021 8:25 pm
    True... oh well, what’s romance without the drama? LaNansha


    yagami July 24, 2021 4:36 am
    As long as Tristan doesn’t do it, I don’t mind. I feel like any chance he has of explaining his choice of being a vampire hunter to Ethan without him resenting him for it, will crumble if he finds out that ... LaNansha

    *Just reading my comments*
    Yeah Tristan killed him