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The village maids cecile was talking about was probably her own guardian sorcerers lol. Th...

Phoebe May 4, 2021 2:20 pm

The village maids cecile was talking about was probably her own guardian sorcerers lol. They probably know that she was the grand sorcerer and took care of her because she was a neglected princess ( exhibit a: the place where she lived). Maybe the price of helping estian to become a normal person is that she'll reincarnate and lose her memories as grand sorcerer. She was also able to summon girgantia because of it :>

    Jayjay May 4, 2021 4:52 pm

    She's identical to her so... I think it's already set. We just need the isekai'd writer to come back and give us her input, but it seems she's too "distracted" with sir grandmaster of the knights so... (not that either of them mind, haha, I love those two secondary couples!)