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I said it before, I'll say it again: WE know Iris feels like she's receiving comparatively...

bibachoro-ok May 4, 2021 12:31 pm

I said it before, I'll say it again: WE know Iris feels like she's receiving comparatively less love from Mildred - because we've been observing her reactions over several chapters. Mildred doesn't have an omniscient viewpoint like we the readers do. IRIS is the one who said that she doesn't want to treat Ashley well bc she blames Ashley's father for causing their situation. Mildred responded to the concerns that Iris herself communicated. Stop acting like Mildred brought the blaming thing up out of nowhere just to make Iris feel bad, when she was just responding to Iris' own words. Mildred's doing her best with what she's told.
