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someya was lying to all you who didn’t understand, lying ab the abuse a year ago, and ly...

♪(´ε` ) cazz.tonimy May 4, 2021 8:41 am

someya was lying to all you who didn’t understand, lying ab the abuse a year ago, and lying ab the amnesia. he lied the abuse bc he wanted to either get closer to sensei bc he liked him or for like sensei said for his body. he lied the amnesia bc making sensei think he was forgetting the bad things so he dropped them as well, obviously only the bad things that could jeopardize their relationship. someya felt super bad after telling sensei that it was a fake. (someyas a dick bc while all of this sensei was having such a hard time trying to make him happy and was putting strain of himself) despite that sensei’s love for someya didnt flinch and he wanted someya to just trust and rely on him instead of doing what he does best, lying. personally i dont like someya, he didn’t necessarily cheat bc they weren’t dating but he was aware.(from what i got i think it was also for money) sensei honestly wanted to make him happy and take care of him when someya was just lying ab these pretty hefty things im the relationship. idk thats just what i got and what i think! ( ̄∇ ̄")
