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Fell through at the last chapters (Spoilers Ahead)

.dr May 3, 2021 9:24 am

Majority of the plot is well done, a true masterpiece with coherent and cohesive sequencing and consistency. Yohan's character is solid, he shows both strengths and weaknesses. He is introduced as someone bold, yet once unraveled, his cowardice is exposed. I'm a little troubled by Yoonsuk's character because he is quite a typical goody two shoes. Not much anger is present in him, only an imploding sense of guilt. I can say he lacks ego because of how he was reared to be a "cure" for his brother. Even that was well-written as a major conflict.

Speaking of major conflict, this version of the Jade Emperor is the most disappointing. There's no "wisdom" or anything worthy to call him a Jade Emperor. He is rash and quick to jump conclusions. He failed his subjects: his three-legged crow, his brother slash "lover" (quite suddenly intimate if I might add), Chunho, Samok, and most especially Yohan. None of them were "saved" by him because he caused all those misfortune since day one. Jeez. He's just a "god" with a libido and a shameful yakuza-looking emperor.

Also, if Yohan is so special, I think that this trait of his was pitifully undermined. All this time he had a "strange" and "peculiar" power to see spiritual beings but was not cared for nor taken into considerstion. For me, it was a little lazy to reveal who he was only for him to eventually give up, not only that, but his EVERYTHING. The very core of his character, a shaman, is cut off from him. That's a huge chunk of who he is and somehow it's made as if it's alright to trade it off for ONE human. And more so that amazingly, Yohan is written to have moved on as a con artist Shaman... like, as much as he made a living out of it, wouldn't it be such great sorrow to go back to something that you' ve only done to serve your spirit, in this case Dongha? For his sentimental character, it is very unnatural.

That's why for me, the last chapters fell through and leaves a bitter taste to my mouth. Not only did it cut off the majority of the relationships Yohan has had, it was also rushed. But my BIGGEST PET PEEVE is WHY did Yohan suffer the consequences of the Emperor's carelessness and WHY does the emperor treat it as if he has done nothing wrong against Yohan. He thinks his only "rash" decision was erasing Chunho's memory. Yohan would've been a great asset to heaven because he was a powerful shaman, but he just shrugs it off.

(What happened to Yoonsuk being Christian anyway? Why was there no segment of meet and greet with the parents especially that theyve married? What happened with Yohan and his mom?)

