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Overall entertaining

.dr May 2, 2021 3:09 pm

The why and how between Siyeon choosing a penthouse and Taekyung inviting a housemate is beyond me. Sure, Taekyung is bored, but how carefree is he to invite a stranger to his house? Sure, Siyeon found a great deal finding an amazing place, but why risk having his parcels be delivered in a place where some else could likely receive it? Especially since the two shows a great deal of value for their "privacy". Maybe less about Taekyun but more about Siyeon.

Besides that, their relationship is more fluid midway. Taekyung's personality is indeed unexpected. He was drawn as a playboy but he becomes a serious lover over night. (Saluting Siyeon's charms). Siyeon is more patient and tolerating than he claims himself to be. Like, a tsundere he speaks harshly but has never gone as far to show Taekyung how serious he is. It's always a death glare, harsh scolding, or walking out. He didn't leave nor speak accurately as to what Taekhyung did, he had this expectation that Taekyung would understand but gives up. The words he needed to say is left in his thought bubbles. Hence, Taekyung's insensitivity or mindset doesn't change, it simply tones down according to what might piss Siyeon off.

Lim and his CIA boyfriend is an entertaining subcouple even if we only get a glimpse of Lim and hear of their pitiful LDR because of Taekyung. Breaking the 4th wall every now and then is humorous, too.

What I love about this is the lack of TMI, or the ability to say only the necessary details about Siyeon's and Taekyung's ability. It had a rough start for me, but I guess the two are compatible.

