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Yep, I don't get this thing mangas have with nosebleeds, I've never had one and I've never...

KBchan April 27, 2016 3:49 pm

Yep, I don't get this thing mangas have with nosebleeds, I've never had one and I've never seen people having one like this.
Nice story though.

    Morcheeba April 27, 2016 8:24 pm

    It's not like you missed something meaningful -.-
    I once got a massive nosebleed on a mountain (because of the thin air) and bled all over my skiing suit. Trying to get rid of the blood with the surrounding snow resulted in ppl stopping and asking me what (or WHOM) I slaughtered there.

    KBchan April 28, 2016 3:11 am
    It's not like you missed something meaningful -.-I once got a massive nosebleed on a mountain (because of the thin air) and bled all over my skiing suit. Trying to get rid of the blood with the surrounding snow... Morcheeba

    (I'm laughing but it must've been awful) :x

    Morcheeba April 28, 2016 7:41 pm
    Haha(I'm laughing but it must've been awful) :x KBchan

    It was a thoroughly embarrassing moment, but the older you get, the funnier it seems in retro-spect ^^