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no noooooooo

A K I R A April 24, 2016 11:34 am

The ending ! ! ! I'm so disappointed
Happy Motoki& Kuuchi end happy together.
but whyyyy let Kouya & Naou died !!!
it wouldn't hurt sensei if she keep them live

    Fruits Punch Samurai April 24, 2016 12:08 pm

    Lol, it wouldn't hurt sensei, but it would definitely hurt the chances of the main couple. Face it, they were absolute psychos who only ever showed any shred of concern for each other. If anyoneshould have lived, it was that enlightened chief whom the psycho-couple killed. I'm just glad they got it bloody. (u_u)/

    Anonymous April 24, 2016 3:28 pm
    Lol, it wouldn't hurt sensei, but it would definitely hurt the chances of the main couple. Face it, they were absolute psychos who only ever showed any shred of concern for each other. If anyoneshould have live... @Fruits Punch Samurai

    I disagree. If they survived and lived,I think they would also have their memories erased...Not too much of a memory loss if somehow they ended up taking another route in the story
    There are just so many possibilities.

    I don't think they had to die...but meh.

    Fruits Punch Samurai April 24, 2016 7:31 pm
    I disagree. If they survived and lived,I think they would also have their memories erased...Not too much of a memory loss if somehow they ended up taking another route in the story There are just so many possib... @Anonymous

    Ah! But if they survived, Moto-Kuu wouldn't be around for any of the events like memory loss to even take place! That wouldn't even stop to listen for a second, I doubt they'd have held up long enough to deal with that old hag's 'I'll shoot! Muahaha!' bullshit. Right? ^_^ They would've just gotten rid of the main couple by then. Us fujoshi wouldn't even care about them if they weren't a potential Y-A-O-I couple! <3 Most people are just sad their love story couldn't happen! As individuals, they sucked! I still think the little-old chief was the cuuuutest!

    Lyn April 26, 2016 2:10 pm

    I'm actually happy they died. Honestly I hate them ( not as much as the bitch though). :P

    Fruits Punch Samurai April 29, 2016 1:24 pm
    I'm actually happy they died. Honestly I hate them ( not as much as the bitch though). :P Lyn

    Haha, same, actually!