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sometimes I can't even...

Berrie April 29, 2021 11:08 pm

taking off the blindfold= providing night services regardless of whether the person is connected to you or not. seriously, what kind of dumb dumb bullshit rule is that, it literally makes NO sense. I'm not even mad it exists in the universe, I'm just wondering how good this idea must've smelled after the author pulled it out of their ass that they went as far as to incorporate it into the story and legitimately thought it was a good plot device. overall this story is really good, but in this particular instance I just looked at that and scoffed. surely the author could've come up with something more better than that

    Levixin April 29, 2021 11:16 pm

    Lmfao, let's be glad it actually doesn't exist in real life or else I'm burning my whole existence (or is it real?)

    Alienqueen April 29, 2021 11:18 pm

    i thought it was to show how much like an object they were treated as like the only reason someone would show an interest in their looks would be to sleep with them rather than treat them like a decent human being
    but maybe im reading too much into it it was just a thought

    bitchesbecrazay April 29, 2021 11:23 pm

    Bruh listen this is isekai
    nothing makes sense
    we just go along with it

    bitchesbecrazay April 29, 2021 11:24 pm
    Bruh listen this is isekai nothing makes sensewe just go along with it bitchesbecrazay

    wait no it isnt isekai lmfao

    hannie April 29, 2021 11:35 pm
    i thought it was to show how much like an object they were treated as like the only reason someone would show an interest in their looks would be to sleep with them rather than treat them like a decent human be... Alienqueen

    yeah i agree, as random as it seemed i thought it was to reinforce the idea that they are only treated as mere objects.

    Berrie April 29, 2021 11:57 pm
    i thought it was to show how much like an object they were treated as like the only reason someone would show an interest in their looks would be to sleep with them rather than treat them like a decent human be... Alienqueen

    I get what you're saying, but I feel like the author already did a good job portraying the fact that they're objectified when they introduced the concept of wearing the blindfolds. the idea that taking off the blindfold= s*x really has no correlation with each other and just seemed like a skip easy way for the author to give a reason for the FL to feel paranoid about something. and even if the author wanted to include it- ig it would make sense if the "rule" only applied between the royal member and the knight they were directly in charge of. it seems absolutely atrocious (and a very unnecessary addition) that literally anyone in the royal family can waltz up to a knight claimed by another family member and force themselves on the knight regardless of what the family member in charge of the knight has to say about it. rosie could rip that blindfold off his eyes, and it still shouldn't mean anything because agnito isn't /her/ knight, he holds 0 obligation to her aside from protecting her safety bc she belongs to the royal family. even if they see homonculi as objects, it seems like basic common sense that you don't play with a toy that doesn't belong to you, yknow? like there should be a line drawn between personal possessions- stealing someone's property shouldn't be as simple as reaching over and yanking off a blindfold.

    sorry I know that was a long rant I wasn't attacking you or anything, I was adding to your thoughts while trying to make sense of what was happening (it still doesn't make sense to me tho haha)

    maychan April 30, 2021 12:17 am

    okay let's talk real life for a sec, the fact that women have to literally sell their bodies if they are living in a brothel does make sense to you? like they don't ask the women if they want to have sex with disgusting guys that come and want it or move on from one customer to another customer if said one wants it. they just accept it and do it and we don't see that as strange, now do we?
    it the same shit here, they are objectified = they are objects = we can make rules to use them without their will as we see fit and no one will say shit cause they enjoy it. they don't see it as something that belongs to someone, they see it as an object. yeas you can own an object, but it doesn't mean other people can't take it if they want to from your family. like Combs, shoes, dresses - family can share it with each other. it's not like you super bound to a comb, do you?
    sorry but I think it actually makes too much sense for this dumb rule to exist in this kind of society. I'm not even surprised at this point how disgusting their rules are ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Berrie April 30, 2021 1:00 am
    okay let's talk real life for a sec, the fact that women have to literally sell their bodies if they are living in a brothel does make sense to you? like they don't ask the women if they want to have sex with d... maychan

    the thing with brothels is that you've got an exchange going on- however morally wrong it is. a woman is forced to give up her body to anyone who asks for it, and in exchange, she gets a small sum of money for it. it's not an equal trade for sure, but there's still a transaction going on. in this case scenario, agnito gets absolutely nothing out of it and it can also be seen as an act of disrespecting the family member who owns the knight. you bring up the comparison of family members sharing objects, but if they could share knights in the same way (especially in such an intimate way) without repercussions, what was the point of going through such an ordeal to make a personal oath between the homunculi and their royal master? at that point the king should've just left it at creating a royal army made exclusively from homunculi knights. having a personal escort that has vowed their life to you seems meaningless if just anyone can come along and take it. just to use a similar comparison you were using to make a point- if I bought lunch with my own money and left it on the counter for a second to use the bathroom, and everyone in my family knows that it's my food that I bought for myself with my money, I expect that no one will touch it while I'm gone for a moment. In fact there should be no reason why anyone touches it- and if they want to, they can wait until I get back to ask my permission before they can touch it. the food is still an object, but in this case scenario, there's a degree of understanding and boundaries between the two parties associated with it. I would like to think even a royal family would practice this basic virtue.

    but I digress, because my original issue wasn't with them treating agnito as an object. I had no objections to that in and of itself. it's that the author created such a bullshit way for rosie to "steal" agnito. like yank off a piece off cloth and whoop, congrats, now you get possession of his whole body to use as you please for the whole night and it doesn't matter what eve, the owner of this object, has to say about it. you won the lottery by doing a simple motion with your hand. this whole thing just seemed so ridiculous and artificial bc humans just aren't this stupid or oblivious to create an ambiguous clause like that. I would expect, with the grandeur of the plot, that if there was a way for rosie to obtain agnito and set in motion the destruction that will be from the result of them being together, that it would be a hidden, clever way that eve did not foresee or suspect since rosie getting with agnito is such a crucial point to the plot and a calamity that the FL is trying to desperately avoid

    maychan April 30, 2021 2:15 am
    the thing with brothels is that you've got an exchange going on- however morally wrong it is. a woman is forced to give up her body to anyone who asks for it, and in exchange, she gets a small sum of money for ... Berrie

    or sometimes she does not get paid at all and get fuck up for nothing for a dumb reason ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ has for the "personal oath" bs I doubt it for the people in the family then it is for the big asshole father. and yeah they don't want knights to be able to kill the royal family. it's not that strange.
    from what I get the king did create an army of them in her past and control them. that the whole point isn't it?
    "I expect that no one will touch" - lol if you have little sis/bro you will know they will touch it and eat all of it. they will touch everything in your room and make a mass if they can. the reason is very simple, cause they are your sis/bro and they think they can do anything they want. all the big fights in the family are actually about this, sisters and brothers touching and taking each other stuff and fight about who owns it. and the royal family isn't less of the family that can fight over stuff they think they own - I will say they even worse and much more selfish in a disgusting way cause they have money and power.

    the whole society of owning knights and use them as objects is ridiculous and artificial - that the whole point in the story! humans are that much dumb, disgusting, and ridiculous for accepting that from the first place! and if you ask me, that why they add this rule. to shake you yet again how stupid and ridiculous they are. and it's work so the author did a great job I will say (⌒▽⌒)

    naa Rosia is too dumb to do anything useful and this is why I hate her as a villain, she is boring, annoying, and childish. the older sister on the other hand....

    but maybe it just me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I don't know, that how I see it. so I won't say you wrong. that just how I think of it