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So, he really is pressed bc Seungeun did well and didn't.tell him? Petty af

fatum_7 April 29, 2021 10:19 pm

So, he really is pressed bc Seungeun did well and didn't.tell him? Petty af

    crackerbun April 29, 2021 11:56 pm

    Seungeun manipulated him into getting under his pants, he never needed tutoring to begin with since he's always been on the top of his class

    Nandaaa April 30, 2021 12:20 am

    I don't think it's about that, Seungeun knew that his studies were first for him and more important than any other relationship or friendship, he said it himself, if he didn't act like he was doing bad with his studies then Joon (or whatever Mcs name is) wouldn't even look at him, but then he just not only lie to him about it but he basically forced the Mc to play around with him and making him lose the chance to study properly, and the worst of all is that he doesn't even care, if the mc forgives him then he's just going to do something similar again and again, he's just very selfish:(