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Nat April 29, 2021 12:36 pm

I get that yall hate her but I also feel like yall have thrown out the fact that she's a lesbain and needs him to do this part if the deal so her parents can stop bugging her and she doesn't have to come out to them. Why else would she have said that he wouldn't have to wait all of the 3 days?? she knows it's big thing to do. And her parents are heavily homophobic so coming put would put her in a bad situation

    AMDpian April 29, 2021 12:38 pm

    Your right, but that doesn’t give her an excuse to Stalk or harass somebody even if they are gay or not

    Nat April 29, 2021 12:43 pm
    Your right, but that doesn’t give her an excuse to Stalk or harass somebody even if they are gay or not AMDpian

    oh ofc ofc it doesn't and she really shouldn't be forgiven for it bc it's really messed up but still it doesn't feels right that some people are calling her crazy for it and even putting out the r*** comments bc of it

    Nat April 29, 2021 12:45 pm

    I should clear this up but this isn't me excusing her actions and what she's done it's just not right that yall are calling her crazy and making r*** comments over this. If you guys read the raws you'll know nothing happens and she tells him about her parents and why she asked him to do this

    AMDpian April 29, 2021 5:22 pm
    I should clear this up but this isn't me excusing her actions and what she's done it's just not right that yall are calling her crazy and making r*** comments over this. If you guys read the raws you'll know no... Nat

    Oh yea, I agree. NO ONE SHOULD EVER wish r*** to a person.