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Trying to find a specific yaoi (please don’t restrict me, I’ve tried searching for it)

YaoiHands April 26, 2021 7:26 pm

I want to say it was a doujin, I have no idea what the anime/manga the doujin was based on though. I only read it once and for some reason it popped in my head today and I want to read it again.

It’s a real fucked up doujin. I don’t remember much, but I know I constantly felt bad for the guy. The most specific scene I remember (in one of the doujin’s, I think there were like 2 of them by the same creator) is that the main character was at a convenience store and the store owner accused him of stealing. He was trying to say it wasn’t him, and then...bam. The owner rapes him as punishment.

YES ITS FUCKED UP. Basically the guy gets raped in every scenario. I felt so bad for him. Like he just couldn’t catch a break.

I’m not here for opinions on the type of yaoi it is, I’m here for answers. Does anyone know what I’m talking about? I would also like to know the anime/manga it was based on (if it was a doujin).
