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Oh guys i recommend you to watch Koutetsujou no Kabaneri. :D One of the best anime of this...

Gore_Whore April 15, 2016 7:48 am

Oh guys i recommend you to watch Koutetsujou no Kabaneri. :D One of the best anime of this season, next to JoJo's Part 4 Diamond Is Unbreakable. :D

    takame April 15, 2016 9:44 am

    comparing it to jojo's made me side-eye it...

    Gore_Whore April 15, 2016 10:07 am
    comparing it to jojo's made me side-eye it... takame

    I didnt comparing them. Just saying they are the greatest ones of this season. Oh and not to forget Sakamoto desu ga. Its hilarious. xD

    takame April 15, 2016 10:08 am
    I didnt comparing them. Just saying they are the greatest ones of this season. Oh and not to forget Sakamoto desu ga. Its hilarious. xD Gore_Whore

    sakamoto-kun. LOVE THE GUY. (≧∀≦) he's in my comedy hall of fame. like, one of the best.

    takame April 15, 2016 10:09 am
    I didnt comparing them. Just saying they are the greatest ones of this season. Oh and not to forget Sakamoto desu ga. Its hilarious. xD Gore_Whore

    why? does it have an anime? i've been following the manga since the first chapter was released by the scanlators but i have no idea about the anime

    Gore_Whore April 15, 2016 10:12 am
    why? does it have an anime? i've been following the manga since the first chapter was released by the scanlators but i have no idea about the anime takame

    Omg you didnt know Sakamoto has an anime? It haaaaas!!!!! GO WATCH THE FIRST EPISODE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

    takame April 15, 2016 10:18 am
    Omg you didnt know Sakamoto has an anime? It haaaaas!!!!! GO WATCH THE FIRST EPISODE RIGHT NOW!!!!!! Gore_Whore

    NO WAIIII what am i doing in my cave? (well, porn but..) daaamn. this sakamoto-sama follower will get on it NAO!

    Rico April 15, 2016 11:25 am
    Omg you didnt know Sakamoto has an anime? It haaaaas!!!!! GO WATCH THE FIRST EPISODE RIGHT NOW!!!!!! Gore_Whore

    really wow , that great . I'm gonna watch it for real
    Thank you for informing us .
    I love Sakamoto desu ga