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it was refreshing to try and figure out koiwais background with the phone strap and why he...

Boogiepop April 27, 2021 1:47 am

it was refreshing to try and figure out koiwais background with the phone strap and why he was apprehensive about dating yamashita even though we were reading from his point of view when these incidents occurred. im not sure what this technique of perspective is called, but it feels like the author wrote an omniscient narration with a switching focus between the main characters. this way the author could choose what information to reveal whilst still keeping an intimate connection with the reader. most BL is narrated as if the reader is in the characters head and so theres no surprise and any exposition falls flat.

the whole time i still had faith in koiwai to be a nice person (low expectations for romance manga lol), but i was scared that id receive unsatisfactory answers to the inquests above - much like when i read other BL that tries to use the same technique. the simple human depth of both characters was wonderful, especially koiwai as we followed him the most. i enjoyed both characters a lot and i want to both be and have a yamashita. man, do i want a yamashita.
