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yanderebfsupremacy April 21, 2021 5:55 am

spoilers up to chapter 60:

so right now on this site its up to chapter 20 right? well in the last part when he said "its proof that theres another person like me", yeah that wasnt translated correctly. he actually said "its proof that theres another shame like me", which is COMPLETELY different. keep that in mind, it means that he approached him hiding the fact that he knows he has an ability while having a bad impression of him the whole time. anyways. they rlly start loving each other. then bam, hae seo finds out that do hyuk knew that he had an ability the whole time and hid it from him, and that he also has an ability. he was so hurt by the fact that he didnt approach him with pure intentions, hae seo tries to push him away while do hyuk is keeping him down by force and kissing him. then hae seo, while crying, manipulates his mind to make him leave the house. then he looks at himself in the mirror and makes himself forget their relationship. do hyuk is heartbroken and regretful after finding out he doesnt remember him, he faints and gets admitted to the hospital. because hae seo has these lingering feelings in him, he visits him a couple times. then he gets his memories back after he reads their old texts on his phone. he visited him to ask about it, then a person from behind tries to stab hae seo but do hyuk pushes him and gets stabbed instead. thats it so far, we all know do hyuk is not dying anytime soon lmao.

anyways i rated it 4/5 stars. the whole story progressed quite fast i didnt exactly love it, i wish i got more time to rlly enjoy their relationship and grow more affection to it so that i would actually be heartbroken when they broke up, i was in fact not sad at all while reading that part. and that stab?? that was very unnecessary, it only brought readers rage. also i just dont understand what hae seo was so mad about when he found out that do hyuk knew he had an ability and also had one as well. like what? u were also hiding an ability, why is it such a problem when it comes to him? also, like okayy?? he approached you knowing you had an ability, SO WHAT. if i thought i was the only one who had an ability then found out there was another one, i would try to approach them as well.. is it that wrong? i dont think so. i mean, yes, he couldve just faked his affection for you and date you just so that he can stay close to another ability user just because of curiousity, but then doesnt that mean you dont trust him? since u are thinking that he still has impure intentions and/or his faking his love.. anyways this story makes me mad but its interesting so im not dropping yet LOL.
