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Updated Summary

avocuddletoast April 20, 2021 9:19 pm

Hey... so like a few chapters have gone by. And it feels like the story has completely changed. I felt like updating the summary:
Calliope is a bard with zero charisma, no social connections, knows nothing of her situation cause everyone around shelters her. They legit tell her nothing, not to worry, and then they either die or disappear. Calliope's legit at death's door, but then game support is all like: we adding bard buffs.
Calliope goes back in time. She's a baby for like 100 chapters. But those 100 chapters aren't fillers. It's basically her flexing the new buffs. Cause not only did she go back in time, she's now perfect. She's suddenly eloquent with her words, so different from when she was begging for help pre-time skip. She's making friends with all the right people, despite being sheltered by her family and basically cutoff from all that important social stuff. Everyone simping on her good looks. She's actually an underaged model, and that one chapter with the creep taking stalker pictures, publishing it and the whole pedo vibes. Certainly her looks could have helped her pre-time jump? No, because baby buffs.
Also floating whale spoke about some magic to do with her voice, but Calliope needs to test it out by buying an outfit from Hot Topic and singing at a shady bar as a 12 year old. Anticipate another 100 chapters of her experimenting on singing. Not only is she going to introduce folk music to nobility, but she just signed a record deal with SM entertainment. Now can Calliope uncover the secrets of who killed her family? She's ready with her simp army, the latest drip, and bard super powers.
TLDR; bard goes back in time with OP buffs, creates simp harem
