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msjazz April 20, 2021 9:06 am

The ending would’ve been better if gabriel and raphael had a closure. Gabriel was the orig owner of the body. It makes me sad that he wasn’t able to deal with his issues. And Colin is so self-absorbed with his revenge.

    Cameron April 22, 2021 2:27 pm

    I think it was a pretty good ending tho. Bc it was a surprise. it’s not the Happy End we thought we get but it’s also not a sad ending either. In the end u couldn’t like anyone but also couldnt hate anyone, bc all had their reasonings. But maybe it would have been better, if Raphael disappeared too and the amnesia would be real, bc it has an unsatisfying feeling in the end.

    Ben Dover June 20, 2021 8:24 pm
    I think it was a pretty good ending tho. Bc it was a surprise. it’s not the Happy End we thought we get but it’s also not a sad ending either. In the end u couldn’t like anyone but also couldnt hate anyon... Cameron

    Yes I agree. I would have preferred an appearance of a 3rd personality that's neither Gabriel or Raphael, and all memories are gone.